Isht shared a moving story about his wife’s battle with
cancer. Thank you for sharing your story, Isht.
The red jerseys were awarded to Imogen and Cheryl for their
outstanding care and support for the riders – thank you to Imogen and Cheryl.
We ended the night with some amazing bush poetry recited by
Grandpa Myella, which was a real treat for the riders (especially those who
were still awake for the third one).
There were some allegations made against Habo for his flatulent behaviour, which he strongly denied. We also learned that Lofty is not a fan of war stories, as he was spotted drifting off as Uncle Myella described how they shipped the farmhouse from Ipswich to Myella, plank by plank… apparently they labelled them all.
The following morning, we got to sleep in and wake to a
lovely breakfast – toast cooked over the campfire with kangaroo steaks and
wallaby stew. The vegans enjoyed lawn clippings and the cockies’ favourite bird
When it was time to roll-out, Dale from Myella rang the bell
in honour of her mother, while were led out by Grandpa Myella on his mobility
scooter at 63km per hour. He then did a bit of circle work and waved the Smiddy
peloton on their way.
With great early morning conditions, the peloton made great
time. We arrived at our first comfort break, where Nat and Robin joined the
dusty club, though late mail suggests they may have had a helping hand from
Brighty. It was then full steam ahead to Goovigen State School, where we were
greeted by the entire school – 12 very excited young kids – who hosted a lovely
morning tea for us.
Once again, the Jambin Junction added new members to the Thomas
the Tank Engine fan club. Congratulations to Greg, Joel and Brighty… perhaps in
payback for the three cheers for England? Leon’s scream could be heard from the
School of The Air in Charters Towers.
Thangool State School, once again, did not disappoint; they
greeted Smiddy riders with high fives and the loudest cheers!

Also, just to be noted, sweat could be seen beading on the
captains’ forehead after the school bell rang, as he thought his ankle bracelet
might’ve set off an alarm.
The peloton rolled down to the racecourse in preparation for
the start of the Toad Cup. The ladies went first, followed by the A-Grade Boys,
then B-Grade and the Lifestyle Elite.
Isobel Chisholm took out the ladies and Tiny Dancer took out
the B-Grade. The current Hog Cup champion showed his ultimate class again, blasting
past with the full afterburners on, leaving Ken Woods eating dust to take the
Toad Cup/Hog Cup double #Superstar. And the next few chapters will be dedicated
to my victory speech as the dual winner of both the Cups. If you’ll all charge
your glasses and be upstanding, I’d like to propose a toast–to me. Cheers, losers!

Roberta and Big Geoff led the huddle. Our awesome billets
took us home to give us a full service ‘laundry & food’ ahead of what was certain
to be a great night with our awesome community.
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